Wednesday, April 12, 2006

March 2006 Minutes

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Call to Order - 11:02 a.m. by President Kim Poinsett.

Present: Willard Brown, Dave Burns, Ed Hoffman, Daryl Greene, Jerome Mahaffey, Jeff Plasterer, Kim Poinsett, and Billy Porch. Staff: John Dalton, Stephanie Frame, Diane Lucas, and John Schuerman.

Approval of Minutes
The Board accepted the minutes of the February 14, 2006 meeting as mailed. Dave Burns moved to accept the minutes with Billy Porch second, passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Jeff Plasterer pointed out that most items were within the budgeted amounts. The report indicated some overtime still showing up in January. The overtime amounts should diminish with a full staff on board.
The repair and maintenance contract with Tim Elstro expires at the end of March and will not be renewed as it is. Additional work will be on a specific as-needed basis.
The WCTV money market account will be closed and the Silver Eagle account will be the primary one used.
Ed Hoffman moved to accept the report with Willard Brown giving the second. The Financial Report was approved.

Director’s Report
John Dalton offered information regarding the new Telecommunications Bill. John has offered to host a state meeting involving other public access directors to discuss this bill. There is a potential to lose the capital expense money from Insight in 2008. WCTV will meet with the city to discuss the continuation of money coming from the City of Richmond. John Dalton and the executive board members will work with the city and Insight. John Dalton indicated that even though this may be a “bump in the road,” that there are other possibilities and ideas for funding in the future.
The “Friends Mailing” went out last week with about 500 letters having been sent. As of today, we have received 13 responses totaling a little over $500. David Fulton will record a “Friends” promo for the station to promote the campaign.
The February lottery went well, and we are programming between six and eight hours a day six days a week on Channel 21.
Our Premier Party was successful with 50-75 in attendance.
Last Monday, the Kicks96/WHON news began to air at 10:00 p.m. on Monday-Friday.
WCTV participated in the IT Fair last week at IU East.
John is working with the Wayne County Historical Museum to digitize their old film, in exchange for being allowed to use the footage to produce new “Richmond in Motion” programs.
WIPB and the Indianapolis government channel sent some programs in trade. We currently have MVCC and DATV interested in some programming of ours.
We recorded our first Spanish-language Bulletin, which is a 10-minute filler about legal and medical issues for Spanish-speaking people in Wayne County.
John Dalton asked the board for approval to purchase the Final Cut Pro 5 upgrade for Stephanie Frame’s Mac workstation to make the workstation compatible with the other workstations. He estimated this cost to be about $500. Daryl Greene moved, with Dave Burns giving the second, and the motion passed to approve the expenditure only after pursuing the possibility of discounted purchases through IU East before buying the software upgrades outright.

Old Business
Kim Poinsett asked to suspend the by-laws and have the general meeting on April 25th at 4:00 p.m. Dave Burns motioned with Jeff Plasterer giving the second. The date was moved one month in order to continue developing a slate of officers and a class of board members for next year. The motion passed to have the meeting on April 25th at 4 p.m. in the WCTV studio.

New Business
Daryl Greene mentioned that we should continue to pursue quality issues with the time base correctors.
Jeff Plasterer mentioned that he would like to see WCTV scroll a list of the polling places for the May election, as many have changed locations.

Good of the Order
Kim Poinsette enjoyed the Premiere Party.
Jeff Plasterer mentioned that the board development committee is working towards a maximum number (fifteen) of board members for the new year.
Ed Hoffman and Billy Porch agreed to new terms.
Diane Lucas feels the new brochure is very nice.

Meeting adjourned by Kim Poinsett, Ed Hoffman moved and Jeff Plasterer second to adjourn.

Adjourn - 12:15 by President Kim Poinsett.

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