Tuesday, January 27, 2009

RP&L Weather Channel on WCTV

Some of you already know that we have been working closely with RP&L in moving their Weather Channel service to fill open time in the Channel 11 schedule. Both organizations feel that this is an important public service that our community needs and desires.

Although this service is not officially launching, because of approaching severe weather we are inviting you to watch the “soft launch” tonight to follow current conditions, scheduled alongside this evening’s regular programming (including the live Sanitary Board of Commissioners meeting).

More information on this partnership will be forthcoming.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

December 2008 Board of Directors Minutes

Call to Order - 11:05 a.m. by President Mark Linderman

Present: Waketha Downs, Daryl Greene, Robin Henry, Ed Hoffman, Mark Linderman, Eric Marsh, Barb Orbik, Sharon Palmer, Jeff Plasterer, Larry Price, Valerie Shaffer, and Rob Zinkan.

Staff: John Dalton, John Schuerman and Diane Lucas.

Approval of Minutes
November Minutes: Ed Hoffman moved, with Waketha Downs giving the second, that the Board unanimously accepts the minutes of November 11, 2008. Minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Robin Henry presented the Treasurer’s Report. Robin noted that the report reflects unexpected expenses for the copy machine and repairs to the van. Rob Zinkan moved, with Ed Hoffman giving the second, and the Treasurer’s Report was approved.
A six-month budget was presented for January through June of 2009, at which time WCTV will be on the same fiscal year schedule as IU East. Sharon Palmer moved, with Waketha Downs giving the second, and the six-month budget was approved.

Director’s Report
John Dalton reported WCTV will receive $20,000 from Wayne County for 2009.
The WCTV Auction brought in slightly more money than last year; there were fewer items and bidders, but more underwriting.
The Salvation Army Christmas Show was a success. WKBV simulcast the program with WCTV.
John shared a letter with the Board that summarized the conclusion of WCTV’s three-year plan and outlined a two-year plan for 2009-2010.

New Business
Mark Linderman asked the Board members to come up with some ideas for fund raising and to think of who might be good to partner with.

Good of the Order
Mark Linderman thanked everyone for their effort at the Auction.

- 12:00 p.m.