Wednesday, June 13, 2007

May 2007 Board Minutes

Call to Order - 11:05 a.m. by President Mark Linderman.

Present: Willard Brown, Dave Burns, Daryl Greene, Ed Hoffman, Mark Linderman, Jerome Mahaffey, Eric Marsh, Barb Mayberry, Jeff Plasterer, Larry Price, Phil Quinn and Stephanie Strait. Staff: John Dalton, John Schuerman, Nick Poling, and Diane Lucas.

Approval of Minutes
Dave Burns moved, with Barb Mayberry giving the second, that the Board unanimously accepts the minutes of April 10, 2007. Minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Barb Mayberry presented the financial report. Barb pointed out that WCTV has taken in $3075 in membership fees during the month of March. The report reflects the final expenditures from the capital equipment fund for 2006. Phil Quinn moved, with Jeff Plasterer giving the second, and the Treasurer’s Report was approved.

Director’s Report
John Dalton brought everyone up to date on the status of Insight. While real progress has been made, there are still some unresolved issues. A Telecommunications Council meeting is scheduled for this Thursday.
Dalton reported that Belden will be continuing with additional training videos, and a local law firm also plans to do a show, starting in September.
WCTV will have a booth at an Eastern Indiana/Western Ohio Human Resources conference next week at IUE to promote our corporate services.
WCTV anticipates its yearly audit on May 25, 2007.
Indiana University has re-classified the Professional positions. Both John Dalton and John Schuerman fall within the recommended salary range for their classification. Nick Poling’s current salary does not meet those recommendations; however, the budget did provide for the recommended salary range. Nick will begin to be slowly increased in salary to meet the requirements after his probationary period ends on September 1, 2007.

Old Business
The Membership Scholarship was included in a revision to the rules. Daryl Greene moved, with Stephanie Strait giving the second, and the revision passed.

New Business
John Dalton requested that the presentation for the capital equipment expenditures of 2007 be tabled until the next board meeting. A lower than expected bid gave us an opportunity to select additional equipment.

Good of the Order
Mark Linderman thanked John Dalton for all of his efforts with the Insight issues.

Adjournment - 11:50 a.m.