Tuesday, January 09, 2007

December 2006 Board Minutes

Call to Order - 11:05 a.m. by President Kim Poinsett.

Present: Willard Brown, Dave Burns, Daryl Greene, Ed Hoffman, Mark Linderman, Jerome Mahaffey, Barb Mayberry, Jeff Plasterer, Kim Poinsett, Billy Porch, Phil Quinn and Stephanie Strait. Staff: John Dalton, John Schuerman, and Diane Lucas.

Approval of Minutes
Ed Hoffman moved, with Billy Porch giving the second, that the Board unanimously accepts the minutes of the October 10, 2006. Minutes unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Jeff Plasterer reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. We are at approximately 70% of total expenses, as expected at this point. Phil Quinn moved, with Mark Lindermann giving the second, and the Treasurer’s Report was approved with one person voting “nay”.
John Dalton submitted the 2007 budget after going back several years to compare line items. The raise and benefit increases were determined using the IU East guidelines for percentages. Daryl Green moved, Dave Burns gave the second, and the 2007 budget passed unanimously.

Director’s Report
John Dalton recently met with Chancellor Fulton to discuss the $10,000 that IU East gives WCTV every year for production services. John reported that he felt that this money is not being considered as a budgetary cut.
John spoke, along with four other representatives, to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission on behalf of cable access centers across Indiana at the State House in Indianapolis. Capital equipment funds outside of the current franchise agreement were a concern. There was encouragement from the IURC to reactivate the Telecommunications Council.
The search is continuing for Stephanie Frame’s replacement. There were four initial candidates with only one being qualified. The search was re-opened and will continue to be open until December 22. John hopes to have someone start by February 5, 2007.
The corporate DVD sampler was sent out to the top local businesses and there have already been some responses. Several corporate projects are active. The Perfect Circle Credit Union and First Bank videos have just been completed.
The Salvation Army show was very successful and they reported that they made more money than they had in several years. WCTV received many appreciative comments on the show.
The WCTV auction made about $1,500 on 65 items. John reported that the event was successful overall.

Old Business
The Controversial Programming policy was slightly revised. The President of County Commissioners was added as a contact, and in line #4 and #5, the “will be” phrase was changed to “may be”. Phil Quinn moved with Mark Lindermann giving the second, and the revision passed with one “nay” vote.
The Channel 21 Program Lottery will continue to occur every six months. Jeff Plasterer moved, and Dave Burns gave the second – motion approved.
The issue of the use of reserved time slots for individual programs on Tuesdays and Thursdays was tabled for further thought and discussion.

New Business
Jerome Mahaffey reported that Dr. Adam Herbert, IU President, has appointed a task force to review the financial situation at IU East and give a report on May 1, 2007. Dr. Hebert indicated that he will be the one making decisions on fiscal issues at IU East.

Adjournment - 12:40 p.m.

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