Wednesday, October 11, 2006

September 2006 Board Minutes

Call to Order - 11:00 a.m. by Vice-President Mark Linderman.

Present: Willard Brown, Daryl Greene, Ed Hoffman, Mark Linderman, Jerome Mahaffey, Eric Marsh, Barb Mayberry, Sharon Palmer, Jeff Plasterer, Billy Porch, Phil Quinn and Stephanie Strait. Staff: John Dalton and Diane Lucas.

Approval of Minutes
The Board unanimously accepted the minutes of the August 8, 2006 meeting.

Treasurer’s Report
Jeff Plasterer went over the financial report dated July 31, 2006. The interest income continues to exceed expectations; everything else is on target. Jeff Plasterer moved to accept the financial report with Ed Hoffman giving the second, and the motion passed unanimously.

Director’s Report
The Lottery went very well and we have only five open hours in our schedule. The picnic following the Lottery was a success, with Kroger and Richmond Baking Company donating food. The American Legion cooked hot dogs and James “Iceman” Patterson served as DJ.
WCTV successfully aired its first live parade, using three cameras and a bucket truck from RPL. RPL also underwrote the event.
We also did our first high school football game, Centerville vs Lincoln. John Dalton said he had around a dozen emails with positive comments awaiting him the following morning. The next game will most likely be Hagerstown vs Centerville. RHS said “no” to our taping their homecoming game.
Regarding the question of going to a “once a year” lottery, the response ran 2 to 1 in favor of once a year. About a dozen people responded to our mailing. Phil Quinn moved to table the issue, giving time for further investigation.
WCTV’s “Boot Camp” will be taught through the Extended Learning Department of IU East.
John again circulated the list of previous members and talking points, hoping that the board might know someone on the list and be able to encourage renewal of membership.
WCTV is working on a DVD to send to the top businesses in our area.

Old Business
The fundraising committee met, and Phil Quinn talked about a potential dart tourney. The committee will meet again to discuss particulars. Phil Quinn suggested that we might push the dart tournament to the spring.
John Dalton noted that an auction could be much improved from the last one. The Chamber of Commerce would secure donations and Tim Scales class would help with the telephones and more. A potential date would be in December. Daryl Greene moved to endorse the auction with Ed Hoffman giving the second. The motion was approved.
The Controversial Programming guidelines have been updated and will be finalized at next month’s exec meeting.

New Business
Ed Hoffman encouraged board members to become more “hands-on” in the studio.

Good of the Order
John Dalton thanked everyone for their help with the picnic, lottery and football game recently.

Adjournment - 12:05 p.m.

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